Random Birthday Facts

Birthday Facts

# More people celebrate their birthdays in August than in any other month. The two other months in which birthday rates are high is July and September.

# Close to two billion Birthday Cards are sent each year in the U.S. alone, accounting for nearly 58 percent of all cards sent.

# The world’s largest birthday cake was created in 1989 it weighed 128,238 pounds, 8 oz. and used 16,209 pounds of icing.

# Anne Frank’s world famous diary was given to her when she was thirteen years old.

# The most common birth date is October 5 and the least common is May 22 in U.S.A.

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6 Responses to “Random Birthday Facts”

  1. my b-day is not the most uncommon one

  2. if your b-day is on the 29th of Feburary do you live 4 times as long or die 4 times quicker?

  3. Your body ages at the same rate but you would be 4 times younger number wise thus you would die 4 times younger.

  4. I think my birthday is the most unusual birthday because its on June 7th and idk anyone else who has their birthday on June 7th.

  5. not like you know him personally, but my cousin’s bday is also June 7.

  6. My birthday is June 7th