Blonde at the doctors

A brunette goes to the doctor, and says to him “Doctor I’m hurting all over my body.”

“That’s odd” replied the doctor “Show me what you mean”

So the girl takes her finger and pokes her elbow, and screams in pain. She touches her knee and cries in agony and so on.

The doctor says to her “Your not a natural brunette are you?”

“No I’m a blonde” she replies.

“I thought so…. your finger is broken.” replies the doctor

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22 Responses to “Blonde at the doctors”

  1. hey

  2. ha ha ha ha so funny.not.i heard that when i was like 7.lame!!

  3. fffffffffuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyyyyyyyyyy

  4. hi i have autism this joke is hahaha i have DoWn SyNdRoM I AM COOL DOUD

  5. thats sooo funny

  6. yeahhh ahahaha.mmmm

  7. this joke is sooooooo funny but i heard it so many times

  8. Thats Sooooo Funny!!!

  9. this is the funny blonde joke

  10. you people dont know the meaning of funny until u see jack brunato. this joke is totally lame ps leave blondes alone my best friend ellen is blonde and she totally rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  11. that was lame…flat out…

  12. that is so funny

  13. yh it’s alright i guess

  14. that joke is supper funny because my mums a blonde and that totally goes with her

  15. this is emma again and thats an 11 year old talking about her mummzy


  16. dont dis blondes cause my friend is one but that i love the joke it is funny as

  17. lol………………. kinda dumb

  18. i have dirty blonde hair and perfectly smart. straight A student. its just a joke anyways so im not offendid

  19. LMAOZZZZZZZ i need to tell ma sis dat 1!!

  20. thats cooool 🙂

  21. Laughing while dying my hair brown……whoops there goes the bottle all over the keyboar……………………………

  22. LOL I like it