What is a girl friend?

Addition of problems, subtraction of money, multiplication of enemies & division of friends.

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2 Responses to “What is a girl friend?”

  1. I think this should be tittled what’s a bad girlfriend. Only because a lot of good guys have been hurt by bad girls and didn’t deserve it. Yes girls have been hurt by guy’s too, but this is about the MEN right now, you know those wonderful guys that actually treat women right. Hell, my man is so kind and sweet to me. We have been going out for a year and we haven’t even yelled at each other. To the ladies, you can be so free in the world and have all your rights and equality to your man, but its that special one that is equal to you, that makes you willing to go into the kitchen and make him something at 3am because he worked a 12 hour shift, then give him a back rub, foot rub, draw him a bath or what ever and hold him in your arms that makes things worth it. The one who has never raised a hand to you, and only lectures you on stuff because he loves you and wants you to do better for yourself. I LOVE YOU!!!

  2. umm a gf is sum1 special u luv i gues