Funny Teachers Joke - Page 4

December is around the corner and Christmas is in the air

December is around the corner and Christmas is in the air.
Do all what you want to do because these moments will be gone soon and very soon!.
Add, adjust, modify and be the best in what you like and want to do.
Good Luck

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Funny SMS Nothing is free in this commercial World

Nothing is completely free in this commercial World! therefore I have decided to charge you for this message that I am sending it to you now!
Well; the cost is YOUR SMILE face-smile.png

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Funny SMS I have PhD degree

During a job interview:
Manager: What’s the highest level of education you obtained?
Candidate: PHD
Manager: Great! So that means you have a Doctor degree …
Candidate: Wellll, No… That means
Passed Highschool with Difficulties (P.H.D.)

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Who said water can help in putting off fire

Who said water can help in putting off fire?
If that is true ….. Then
Why don’t tears heal the Burn in people’s Heart??

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Exam Patterns from 1995 till 2020

Year 1995 : Answer all questions.
Year 2000 : Answer any 5 question.
Year 2005 : Select the correct answer (A, B or C).
Year 2010 : Write either a or b.
Year 2015 : Please only read the questions.
Year 2020 : Thanks for Coming !!! face-smile.png
face-smile.png face-smile.png

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Convince Them or Confuse Them

If you can’t Convince Them
then try to Confuse them!
A good way to answer
unknown questions in Exam!

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We do the hard work but no money

A student asked a teacher (while collecting homeworks):
Student: is teacher earning money ?
Teacher: Yes, of course!
Student: geeeez! We do the hard work and the teacher gets the money ?! face-smile.png
face-smile.png face-smile.png face-smile.png

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School ahead go very slow

Teacher to a student (who was late for a class at a boys school): Why are you late again ?!
Little boy answered: It was because a sign down the road sir.
Teacher asked: What has a sign got to do with your late?!!!
Little boy replied: The sign said [school ahead go very slow

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Worlds sweetest and best kind of Sleeping are …

worlds sweetest and best kind of Sleeping are:
1-Sleeping on Lover’s Shoulder When We Are Alone.
2-Sleeping on Moms Lap when we are so tired.
3-Sleeping With Open Eyes When the Teachers Are lecturing.

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will you punish me for something that I did not do ??

Son: Dad, will you punish me for something that I did not do ??
Dad: of course not, why? ! face-smile.png
Son: That is great ’cause I did not do my homework!! … Thanks Dad face-smile

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Some tips to study …

Some tips to study …
Don’t study hard but study well;
Don’t do it w/ mind only, but with heart too;
Don’t memorize, but understand fully;
Never call it difficult but a challenge;
Never read to just pass the exam, but to learn;
Never be sorry for not sleeping some days,
…..There’s lots of time to sleep when you die!

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Scientist vs Student

Scientist: statistics shows that students usually sleep more than the others …
Student: yeha that is because our dreams are always BIG sir face-smile.png )

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The shortest relationship

The shortest relationship in life is between students and books.
They hook-up only a day before the exam and break-up right after the exam!!

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Funny student

A student didn’t know what to do
so he grabbed a coin Flipped it in the air
and said Head I watch a movie, Tail I go to sleep
and if it stands on the edge I’ll study! face-smile.png

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will you punish me for something that I did not do ??

Son: Dad, will you punish me for something that I did not do ??
Dad: of course not, why? ! face-smile.png
Son: That is great ’cause I did not do my homework!! … Thanks Dad face-smile.

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Never ask a lady about her age!

Never ask a lady about her age!
Never ask a man about his salary!
And now-a-days ….
Never ask a student about his percentage ….
Because it hurts !!!! face-smile.png

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Teacher: Imagine you are living in a world

Teacher: Imagine you are living in a world of dinosaurs and suddenly you are surrounded by hungry dinosaurs, just waiting to feed on you. What do you do?
Student: That is easy, I would just stop imagining right a way face-smile.

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Experience is really a tough

Experience is really a tough teacher because it gives us the test first and then the lesson afterwards.

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Life is like an exam

Life is like an exam without eraser. If you don’t study well, you fail.

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I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

Teacher: Tell me a sentence that starts with an “I”.
Student: I is the….
Teacher: Stop! Never put ‘is’ after an “I”. Always put ‘am’ after an “I”.
Student: OK. I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.

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