How Can A Mouse Get Out Of The Room?

How can a mouse get out of the room?
The mouse just clicked an icon and there opened a window!

A Yummy Fruit Salad

Teacher: if you had 12 apples, 10 oranges, 5 pineapples, 15 strawberries, what would you have?
Student: A yummy fruit salad, Ma’am!

David to Mom

David to Mom: Mom, I have got hundred in class test today
Mom: well done, in which?
David: I got a 40 in spelling and a 60 in reading!

Which Hand you Used to Write With?

Teacher: which hand you used to write with?
Student: neither, I always use a pencil to write!

Tell me the Chemical Formula of Water?

Teacher to John: John, tell me the chemical formula of water?
John: Yes Ma’am, it is H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O!
Teacher: No, it is wrong
John: Ma’am, yesterday you taught that the formula is H to O!

Teacher Told Johnny

Teacher told Johnny to write an essay of 100 words. Johnny thought for a moment and stared to write. “I went to call my puppy in for the night and I called “puppy, puppy, puppy…..”.!

Teacher to John

Teacher to John: “John, you have 6 apples in your plate and Sam took two among them, what would you get?”
John: “A fight”!

Teacher to students

Teacher to students: can anyone tell a word which has more than 1000 letters in it?
Sam suddenly stands up and said “postbox”!

Tell Me Your Date Of Birth?

Teacher: John, tell me your date of birth?
John: July 13th
Teacher: on which year?
John: it is in every year, Ma’am!

Pain in My Eye

Patient: Doctor, I have a pain in my eye whenever I drink tea.
Doctor: Take the spoon out of the mug before you drink.

The Doctor to the Patient

The doctor to the patient: ‘You are very sick’
The patient to the doctor: ‘Can I get a second opinion?’
The doctor again: ‘Yes, you are very ugly too…’

The Perfect Son

The Perfect Son.
A: I have the perfect son.
B: Does he smoke?
A: No, he doesn’t.
B: Does he drink whiskey?
A: No, he doesn’t.
B: Does he ever come home late?
A: No, he doesn’t.
B: I guess you really do have the perfect son. How old is he?
A: He will be six months old next Wednesday.

Why do we All Marry?

Why do we all marry?
Because romance is not
the only element of life.
We should also know horror,
terror, suspense, irony,
stupidity & tragedy of LIFE.

A husband is someone who

A husband is someone who,
after taking the trash out,
gives the impression
he just cleaned the whole house.

Teacher says to Student

Teacher says to student, In Algebra
It means A=C.

Now give relevant example.
Student: Sir, I love you & You love your daughter,
It means that I love your daughter.

Little Johnny

Little johnny: Mam,will you punish me
for something that I didn’t do ?

Teacher : Not at all.

Little johnny : That’s good.
Actually i didn’t do my homework!

Lovely and Horrible Days in My Life

Lovely days in my life :
Childhood days,
School days
collage days,

Horrible days in my life :
“only exam days”

Students are not Cheaters

Innocent Line written On T-shirt of A Student..
‘Student are not Cheaters
we just really enjoy having the Same answers..’ 😉 B-)

Probability of a topic

“The probability of a topic
coming in exam increases exponentially,
if one decides to leave the topic completely….”

Good news for Karachi University students

Good news for Karachi University students
Exams of Uni have been postponed upto june
To confirm goto site
www.stop dreaming & start